Six SESAR Joint Undertaking Exploratory Research projects came together in a joint conference to present the latest developments in two of the most promising aviation topics: Drones and Artificial Intelligence.
The event took place in Rome (Italy) on 3-4 November, bringing together INVIRCAT, URClearED, SAFELAND, SafeOPS, Mahalo and Artimation, that have been researching these two topics in the last two years and a half.
In particular,
- INVIRCAT, URClearED and Safeland presented their advancements on the RPAS integration in the civil air space on the event's opening day, November the 3rd, while
- SafeOPS, Mahalo and Artimation shared their research activities within the human - AI teaming in aviation framework, on November the 4th.
An audience of 75 aviation professionals, representing a variety of stakeholders (including SMEs, the industry, academia, and decision makers), participated in the conference, which also constituted the final dissemination event for INVIRCAT.
Presentations from Day 1 - RPAS
- RPAS integration: SESAR JU’s vision towards the ATM Master Plan and SRIA (Nil Agacdiken, SESAR J oint Undertaking Project Officer)
- URCleared: a unified integrated Remain Well Clear concept in airspace D-G class (Federico Corraro, CIRA)
- The INVIRCAT project: IFR RPAS control in airports and TMA (Gunnar Schwoch, DLR)
- SAFELAND: enhancing safety in case of single pilot incapacitation, until landing (Aurora De Bortoli Vizioli, Deep Blue and Teemu Joonas Lieb, DLR)
- UAS automation, autonomy, and the missing ring. How to certify highly complex systems in a highly complex environment (Giovanni Di Antonio, ENAC)
Presentations from Day 2 - AI
- Welcome (Stefano Bonelli, Deep Blue)
- Digitalisation in ATM: will it be Human? (Marc Baumgartner, IFATCA)
- SafeOPS: Evaluating an AI-based Decision Support for Go-around Handling in the Operational Context (Lukas Beller, TUM)
- Empirical results from the MAHALO project: personalized and transparent AI for CD&R (Carl Westin, LiU)
- Algorithm transparency for conflict resolution: the ARTIMATION project (Christophe Hurter, ENAC)
- Closing remarks and next steps for AI related research in ATM (Stefano Bonelli, Deep Blue)